Amazon Prime Video has become one of the most popular streaming services worldwide, offering a vast library of movies, TV shows, and exclusive content. With its user-friendly interface and the convenience of accessing high-quality entertainment from various devices, it’s no wonder that millions of subscribers rely on it for their daily dose of entertainment. However, like any other streaming service, Amazon Prime Video is not immune to technical glitches. When amazon prime video not working issues arise, they can disrupt your viewing experience and lead to frustration.Amazon Prime Video Not Working

Resolving these amazon prime issues is crucial for ensuring a seamless and enjoyable streaming experience. Whether you’re facing buffering problems, app crashes, login troubles, or playback errors, addressing these issues quickly can help you get to back and watch your favorite shows and movies without interruption. Understanding the common problems and their solutions can save you time and prevent further frustration.

The purpose of this blog is to provide you with comprehensive troubleshooting tips to fix the most common issues you might encounter with Amazon Prime Video. We aim to help you navigate through various problems efficiently, ensuring that your amazon prime video does not work scenarios are resolved swiftly. From checking your internet connection to updating the app and adjusting settings, we cover all the essential steps you need to take when amazon prime video is not working.  Let’s dive into the common issues and their fixes to ensure your Amazon Prime Video runs smoothly and flawlessly.

Common Issues with Amazon Prime Video

Experiencing technical difficulties with Amazon Prime Video can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re ready to relax with your favorite show or movie. Here, we’ll address the most common issues that users encounter and provide solutions to help you get back to streaming seamlessly.

  • Amazon Prime Video Buffering and Streaming Issues:

    One of the most prevalent problems is prime video not loading or buffering frequently. This issue can stem from a slow internet connection or high traffic on Amazon servers. When your internet speed is insufficient, the video struggles to load, resulting in constant buffering. To resolve this prime video internet connectivity problem, make sure that your internet connection meets the minimum speed requirements for streaming. You might need to upgrade your internet plan or reduce the number of devices using the same connection. Additionally, high traffic on Amazon servers, particularly during peak times, can also lead to amazon prime video not working In such cases, try streaming during off-peak hours. If the issue still sustains, you can read our comprehensive blog on Amazon Prime Video Buffering and get the required solution.Common Issues with Amazon Prime Video

  • Amazon Prime Video App Crashes and Freezes:

    Another common issue is the Amazon Prime Video app crashing or freezing unexpectedly. This can be due to an older app version or compatibility issues with your device. If you face the scenario of amazon prime video not playing properly, check for updates in your device’s app store and ensure that you have the latest version installed. Sometimes, amazon prime video does not work because the app is not compatible with your device’s software. In this case, updating your device’s operating system might help resolve the issue.

  • Login Problems:

    Login issues can also hinder your streaming experience. If you find that amazon prime video is not working when you try to log in, it might be due to incorrect credentials or account-related issues. Double-check that you are entering the correct email and password. If you continue to face problems, it could be a sign of amazon prime video issues related to your account. In such instances, resetting your password can help you regain access. It’s essential to resolve these issues quickly to ensure amazon prime video does not work situations don’t disrupt your viewing.

  • Playback Errors:

    Playback errors are another common problem that users encounter. Specific error codes, like 5005 or 1007, can indicate various issues such as network connectivity problems or regional content restrictions. If amazon prime video is not working and you see an error code, searching for that specific code on Amazon’s support page can provide tailored solutions. Additionally, prime video not playing might be due to content being unavailable in your region. Using a VPN can sometimes bypass these restrictions.

  • Audio and Video Sync Issues:

    Lastly, audio and video sync issues can significantly affect your viewing experience. These problems often arise due to incorrect device or app settings and can cause amazon prime video problems. Customizing the audio settings within the app or on your device can sometimes rectify the issue. If the prime video problems persist, lowering the streaming quality can also help synchronize the audio and video. Ensuring that your device’s firmware and the app are updated can prevent future amazon prime video does not work

By understanding and addressing these common issues, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable streaming experience on Amazon Prime Video.

Amazon Prime Troubleshooting Steps

When encountering issues with Amazon Prime Video, following a systematic troubleshooting approach can help you quickly identify and resolve the problem. Here are the key steps to take when dealing with amazon prime video not working issues.Amazon Prime Troubleshooting Steps

Check Internet Connection

The first step in troubleshooting prime video internet connectivity problem is to check your internet connection. For seamless streaming, Amazon recommends a minimum speed of 3 Mbps for SD quality and 5 Mbps for HD quality. You can test your internet speed using online tools like If your speed is below the recommended levels, consider restarting your router or contacting your internet service provider to resolve amazon prime not loading issues. A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for preventing amazon prime video not working scenarios and ensuring smooth playback.

Restart Your Device

Restarting your device can often resolve many streaming issues. This simple step can clear out any temporary glitches that might be causing amazon prime video not working. To restart your device, follow these steps:

  • Smart TVs:

    Use the remote to turn off the TV, unplug it from the power source, wait for 30 seconds, then plug it back in and turn it on.

  • Mobile Devices:

    Hold down the power button, select the restart option, and wait for the device to reboot.

  • Computers:

    Click on the start menu, select restart, and wait for the computer to reboot.

Restarting your device can often solve amazon prime not playing problems and ensure that amazon prime video does not work scenarios are minimized.

Update the Amazon Prime Video App

Keeping the Amazon Prime Video app updated is essential for avoiding amazon prime video not working issues. App updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can resolve streaming problems. Here’s how to check for updates:

  • Smart TVs:

    Go to the app store on your TV, search for Amazon Prime Video, and select update if available.

  • Mobile Devices:

    Open the app store, go to your apps, find Amazon Prime Video, and select update.

  • Computers:

    Check for updates through the Microsoft Store or the Amazon website.

Regularly updating the app can help you avoid amazon prime video not loading problems and ensure that amazon prime video troubleshooting is effectively managed.

Remove Cache and Data

Removing the cache and data of the Amazon Prime Video app can resolve issues where amazon prime video does not work. The cache stores temporary files that can sometimes cause conflicts. Here’s how to clear cache and data:Remove Cache and Data

  • Android Devices:

    Go to settings, apps, Amazon Prime Video, storage, and then select clear cache and clear data.

  • iOS Devices:

    Uninstall and reinstall the app as iOS does not allow manual cache clearing.

  • Smart TVs:

    Go to settings, apps, find Amazon Prime Video, and select clear cache.

Clearing cache can resolve amazon prime video not working problems and improve app performance.

Check Device Compatibility

Ensuring your device is compatible with Amazon Prime Video is crucial for preventing amazon video not working issues. Amazon Prime Video supports a wide range of devices, including smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and computers. Verify your device’s compatibility by visiting the Amazon Prime Video help page and checking the list of supported devices. If your device is not supported, you might experience amazon prime video does not work scenarios.

Disable VPN or Proxy

Using a VPN or proxy can sometimes interfere with streaming services, leading to amazon prime video not working issues. VPNs and proxies can mask your IP address, which might cause Amazon Prime Video to block your connection. To disable them:

  • On Computers:

    Go to network settings, find your VPN or proxy, and disable it.

  • On Mobile Devices:

    Go to settings, network, VPN, and toggle off.

Disabling VPNs or proxies can resolve amazon prime video not working problems and ensure uninterrupted streaming.

Adjust Video Quality Settings

Adjusting the video quality settings can help resolve issues where amazon prime is not playing smoothly. Lowering the video quality can reduce buffering and improve playback. Here’s how to adjust the settings:

  • In-App Settings:

    Open Amazon Prime Video, go to settings, streaming and download, and select video quality. Choose a lower quality to improve performance.

This adjustment can prevent prime video won t play scenarios and enhance your streaming experience.

Reinstall the Amazon Prime Video App

If all else fails, reinstalling the Amazon Prime Video app can resolve persistent amazon video not playing issues. Here’s how to do it:

  • Smart TVs:

    Uninstall the app through the app store, then reinstall it.

  • Mobile Devices:

    Uninstall the app, go to the app store, and reinstall it.

  • Computers:

    Uninstall the app through the control panel, then download and reinstall it.

A clean installation can fix amazon prime video not playing problems and ensure the app functions correctly.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can address and resolve most issues with Amazon Prime Video, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable streaming experience.

Fixing Specific Error Codes for Amazon Prime Video

Encountering error codes while using Amazon Prime Video can be frustrating, but understanding their common causes and solutions can help you resolve these issues efficiently. Here, we address some of the most frequently encountered error codes, including 5005 and 1007, and provide brief solutions for other common codes.Fixing Specific Error Codes for Amazon Prime Video

Error Code 5005

Error Code 5005 is a common problem that can disrupt your streaming experience. This error typically arises from amazon prime troubleshooting issues related to account or network problems.

Common Causes:

  • Account Issues:

    This error often occurs if there is a problem with your Amazon account. It could be due to incorrect payment information, account restrictions, or a temporary glitch.

  • Network Issues:

    A poor or unstable internet connection can also trigger this error. Network problems might include weak Wi-Fi signals, high traffic on your network, or issues with your ISP.


  • Verify Account Information:

    Ensure that your payment details are up-to-date and there are no restrictions on your account. Log out and log back into your Amazon Prime Video account to refresh the connection.

  • Check Internet Connection:

    Test your internet speed to ensure it meets the minimum requirements for streaming. If necessary, restart your router or contact your ISP for assistance. Resolving these network issues is a key part of effective amazon video troubleshooting.

Error Code 1007

Error Code 1007 typically indicates problems with the streaming device or the app itself. This error requires prime video troubleshooting to identify and fix the underlying issue.

Common Causes:

  • App Corruption:

    The Amazon Prime Video app might be corrupted or have temporary bugs causing this error.

  • Device Compatibility:

    The device you’re using may not be fully compatible with the latest version of the app.


  • Reinstall the App:

    Uninstall the Amazon Prime Video app from your device, then reinstall it. This can resolve any corruption issues and provide a clean installation.

  • Update Device Software:

    Ensure that your device’s operating system is up-to-date. Compatibility issues often arise from outdated software, so keeping your device updated can prevent these errors.

Following these steps will help you to troubleshoot prime video for Error Code 5005 and 1007 and get back to enjoying your favorite content.

Other Common Error Codes

Apart from the specific error codes mentioned above, you might encounter other error codes that require quick fixes. Here are some brief solutions for additional common error codes:

  1. Error Code 9068:

    This error usually indicates regional restrictions or issues with content availability. To resolve this, check if the content is accessible in your region or consider using a VPN that is properly configured.

  2. Error Code 7017:

    This error often results from amazon video problem related to the app’s cache. Removing the cache and data of the Amazon Prime Video app can usually fix this issue.

  3. Error Code 9074:

    This error might indicate server-side problems. In such cases, waiting for a few minutes and then trying again can help. If the problem persists, checking Amazon Prime Video’s service status can provide more information.

Addressing these prime video issues with the appropriate troubleshooting steps ensures that you can overcome amazon prime video does not work scenarios efficiently.

Advanced Troubleshooting for Amazon Prime Issues

When basic troubleshooting steps don’t resolve your issues, it’s time to delve into advanced troubleshooting techniques. Here, we cover the importance of system updates and how to check Amazon Prime Video service status to ensure a smooth streaming experience.Advanced Troubleshooting for Amazon Prime Issues

Check for System Updates

Keeping your device updated is crucial for avoiding amazon prime issues. Outdated software can cause compatibility problems, leading to prime video issues today. Here’s why it’s important and how to check for updates on various devices.

  • Enhanced Performance:

    Regular updates often include performance improvements and bug fixes that can resolve many amazon prime video not working scenarios.

  • Security Patches:

    Updates also provide essential security patches that protect your device from vulnerabilities.

  • Compatibility:

    Ensuring your device is suitable with the latest version of Amazon Prime Video prevents many streaming issues.

Steps to Check for Updates on Various Devices:

  • Smart TVs:

    Navigate to the settings menu, select ‘Support,’ then ‘Software Update.’ Select ‘Update Now’ to check for the latest firmware.

  • Mobile Devices (Android/iOS):

    • Android: Go to ‘Settings,’ select ‘System,’ then ‘Advanced,’ and tap ‘System Update.’
    • iOS: Open ‘Settings,’ go to ‘General,’ and choose ‘Software Update.’
  • Computers:

    • Windows: Open ‘Settings,’ go to ‘Update & Security,’ and click ‘Check for updates.’
    • Mac: Open ‘System Preferences,’ select ‘Software Update,’ and click ‘Update Now.’

Frequently checking for and installing updates can prevent many amazon prime video not working issues and ensure your device runs smoothly.

Check Amazon Prime Video Service Status

Sometimes, the problem might not be on your end but with Amazon Prime Video’s service itself. It’s essential to verify if Amazon Prime Video is down, which can explain amazon prime issues today.

  • Official Sources:

    Visit the official Amazon Prime Video status page or check Amazon’s social media accounts for any announcements regarding service outages.

  • Third-Party Websites:

    Use websites like Downdetector or Is It Down Right Now to see if other users are reporting similar issues with Amazon Prime Video.

Understanding the service status helps in effective amazon prime video troubleshooting. If amazon prime video not working issues persist, and there’s no outage reported, it’s worth revisiting your device settings or considering further technical support.

By following these advanced troubleshooting steps, you can address more complex amazon prime video not working issues, ensuring a smoother and more reliable streaming experience.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Amazon Prime Issues

To ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience with Amazon Prime Video, it’s essential to take preventive measures. By regularly updating your devices and apps, maintaining a steady internet connection, and using compatible devices, you can avoid many common amazon prime issues. Here’s how you can proactively address potential issues and keep your streaming experience smooth.Preventive Measures to Avoid Amazon Prime Issues

By enabling automatic updates, you can minimize the risk of encountering amazon prime video does not work scenarios due to outdated software.

Maintain a Stable Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is crucial for preventing prime video not playing issues and ensuring smooth streaming. Here are some tips to optimize your home Wi-Fi and avoid amazon prime video not loading problems:

Tips for Optimizing Home Wi-Fi:

  • Router Placement:

    Place your router in a central location, away from walls and obstructions, to ensure a strong signal throughout your home.

  • Use a Wired Connection:

    Whenever possible, use an Ethernet cable to connect your streaming device directly to the router. This provides a more steady connection than Wi-Fi.

  • Reduce Interference:

    Keep your router away from devices that can cause interference, such as microwaves and cordless phones.

  • Update Router Firmware:

    Check your router’s settings and ensure its firmware is up-to-date. This can improve performance and security.

  • Limit Bandwidth Usage:

    Manage the number of devices connected to your network. Disconnect devices that are not in use to free up bandwidth for streaming.

Implementing these tips can help prevent amazon prime video does not work issues related to poor internet connectivity and provide a more reliable streaming experience.

Use Compatible Devices

Using compatible devices is essential to avoid prime video issues and ensure that Amazon Prime Video runs smoothly. Devices that are not supported or are outdated can lead to various amazon video issue problems.

Importance of Using Supported Devices:

  • Device Compatibility:

    Check Amazon’s list of supported devices to make sure that your device is compatible with Amazon Prime Video. Unsupported devices can cause amazon prime video does not work

  • Regular Updates:

    Even if your device is currently supported, keep it updated to maintain compatibility with new app versions and features.

  • Replace Outdated Devices:

    If your device is several years old and no longer receives updates, consider upgrading to a current model that supports the most recent software and streaming technologies.

By following these measures, you can avoid many common amazon prime video problems and ensure a smooth, enjoyable experience with Amazon Prime Video. Regular updates, a stable internet connection, and compatible devices are key to prevent amazon prime issues and keep your streaming sessions uninterrupted.


Q1. Why is my Amazon Prime Video Not Working?

  • A. Amazon Prime Video may not be working due to a number of reasons such as poor internet connection, outdated app version, or device compatibility problems. Ensuring your device and app are updated and checking your internet connection can help resolve this issue.

Q2. What should I do if Amazon Prime Video Does Not Work on my smart TV?

  • A. If Amazon Prime Video does not work on your smart TV, try restarting your TV, checking for software updates, and making sure that your internet connection is steady. Clearing the app cache and data can also help fix the problem.

Q3. Why is Amazon Prime Not Loading videos?

  • A. Amazon Prime not loading videos can be caused by slow internet speeds, server issues, or app-related problems. Checking your internet speed, restarting your device, and updating the app can help to resolve this issue.

Q4. How can I fix Prime Video not playing on my device?

  • A. To fix prime video not playing, restart your device, check your internet connection, and update the Amazon Prime Video app. If the problem persists, reinstalling the app or clearing cache and data might help.

Q5. Why is Amazon Prime Video Not Working even after restarting my device?

  • A. If Amazon prime video is not working after restarting your device, ensure your app and device firmware are up-to-date. Check for any reported amazon prime issues today and try disabling VPN or proxy services that might interfere with streaming.

Q6. What causes Amazon Prime Video problems during streaming?

  • A. Common amazon prime video problems during streaming include buffering, freezing, and poor video quality. These can be due to internet connectivity issues, high traffic on Amazon servers, or outdated app versions.

Q7. Why is my Amazon Video Not Working on mobile devices?

  • A. If amazon video is not working on mobile devices, check for app updates, clear cache and data, and ensure your internet connection is strong. Restarting the device and checking device compatibility can also help.

Q8. How can I troubleshoot Amazon Prime Video issues today?

  • A. For troubleshooting amazon prime video issues, start by checking your internet connection, updating the app, and restarting your device. Visit Amazon’s official status page to see if there are any reported service outages.

Q9. Why is my Amazon Prime Video Not Loading on my computer?

  • A. Amazon Prime Video may not be loading on your computer due to browser issues, internet connectivity problems, or outdated software. Clearing your browser cache, trying a different browser, and ensuring a stable internet connection can help.

Q10. What can I do if my Amazon Prime Video Won’t play specific content?

  • A. If Amazon Prime Video won’t play specific content, it could be due to regional restrictions or content availability. Using a VPN might help, but ensure it is configured correctly. Checking for any specific error codes can also provide more targeted troubleshooting steps.


Experiencing amazon prime video not working can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re eager to watch your favorite shows and movies. However, with the right approach and troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve most issues and get back to enjoying a seamless streaming experience. To recap, ensuring your internet speed meets the requirements can prevent connectivity problems, and restarting your device can clear temporary glitches. Keeping the Amazon Prime Video app updated and clearing cache and data can fix many amazon prime issues. Verifying device compatibility and disabling VPNs or proxies can also improve performance, while adjusting video quality settings can help reduce buffering. If necessary, reinstalling the app can resolve persistent problems. By following these tips and staying proactive with updates, maintaining a steady internet connection, and using compatible devices, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience with Amazon Prime Video.

To know more about Amazon Prime Video Not Working and other issues and solutions, visit our Amazon Prime Support page.

  1. What could be the reasons behind why is my Amazon Prime Video not working even though it used to stream perfectly fine on my laptop?

    • If you’re suddenly finding that why is my Amazon Prime Video not working on your laptop, where it previously worked without any hitches, several factors could be at play. The issue might be related to recent changes in your device’s configuration or software updates that might not be fully compatible with Amazon Prime Video. Check if your operating system has any pending updates that might address this new incompatibility. Also, verify whether any recently installed security software is restricting the app’s internet access. Regularly clearing your browser’s cache and ensuring that your browser itself is up-to-date can also address various Amazon Prime Video problems.

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